CNC machine language is the backbone of any CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine operation. It is the set of instructions or codes that the machine uses to execute commands given by the operator. These codes tell the machine what to do, how fast to move, where to move, and how deep to cut. In this article, we will discuss the most commonly used CNC machine language G-codes and their functions.
G0 - Rapid Positioning:
G0 is used to move the tool rapidly to a new position without cutting. This code is used when the machine needs to move to a new position quickly.
G1 - Linear Interpolation:
G1 is used for linear interpolation, which means it is used when the machine needs to cut in a straight line. This code is used to move the cutting tool from one point to another in a straight line, at a defined feed rate.
G2 and G3 - Circular Interpolation:
G2 and G3 are used for circular interpolation. These codes are used when the machine needs to cut a circular arc. G2 and G3 move the tool in a clockwise and counterclockwise direction, respectively.
G4 - Dwell:
G4 is used for dwell, which means it is used when the machine needs to pause for a specified period of time. This pause is required to allow the machine to stabilize before the next operation.
G10 - Offset Setting:
G10 is used for offset setting. This code is used to set the tool or work coordinates to a predefined value.
G17, G18, and G19 - Plane Selection:
G17, G18, and G19 are used for plane selection. These codes are used to set the plane in which the machine will operate. G17 is used for the XY-plane, G18 is used for the XZ-plane, and G19 is used for the YZ-plane.
G20 and G21 - Inch and Metric System:
G20 and G21 are used for inch and metric systems, respectively. G20 is used to set the machine in the imperial system, while G21 is used to set the machine in the metric system.
G28 and G30 - Return to Home:
G28 and G30 are used for returning the machine to its home or reference point. G28 is used to return the tool to the home position, while G30 is used to return the machine to the reference point.
G40, G41, and G42 - Cutter Radius Compensation:
G40, G41, and G42 are used for cutter radius compensation. These codes adjust the cutting tool's position based on its radius.
G54 to G59 - Work Offset:
G54 to G59 are used for work offset. These codes are used to set the workpiece coordinate system relative to the machine's coordinate system.
G73 - High Speed Peck Drilling:
G73 is used for high-speed peck drilling. This code is used to drill holes with short rapid hits in between, reducing the cycle time.
G81 to G89 - Drilling Cycles:
G81 to G89 are used for drilling cycles. These codes are used to drill holes in a specific pattern, such as a circle or a series of holes in a line.
G98 and G99 - Canned Cycles:
G98 and G99 are used for canned cycles. These codes automate certain machine operations, such as a drilling cycle or a tapping cycle.
In conclusion, CNC machine language G-codes are essential for any CNC machine operation. This comprehensive list of the most commonly used G-codes covers the basic functions required for operating a CNC machine. Understanding these codes will help an operator to efficiently and effectively program a CNC machine for a wide range of applications.
cnc machine language g code list