Beyond the Basics: Advancing Higher Metal Injection Molding for Complex Industrial Applications

Metal Injection Molding (MIM) has been a widely adopted manufacturing process for small to medium-sized parts. Its complex geometries, high precision, and low cost have made it extremely popular in various industries, including aerospace, automotive, medical, and consumer electronics. However, the traditional MIM process has its limitations, especially when it comes to producing larger and more intricate parts. To address these limitations, researchers and industry players have been developing advanced MIM techniques, or Higher Metal Injection Molding (HMIM), that offer higher efficiency, better quality, and broader applicability.

In this blog post, we'll explore the evolution of MIM and how HMIM takes it to the next level. We'll discuss the key challenges and opportunities in HMIM, as well as the latest advancements in materials, equipment, and processes. Whether you're a designer, engineer, or decision-maker in the manufacturing industry, you'll find valuable insights and inspirations in this article.


Metal Injection Molding (MIM) is a powder metallurgy process that combines the advantages of plastic injection molding and conventional powder metallurgy. It involves four main steps: feedstock preparation, injection molding, debinding, and sintering. In the feedstock preparation step, metal powders are mixed with a thermoplastic binder system to form a homogenous slurry that can be injected into a mold cavity. The injection molding step shapes the slurry into a green part that resembles the final geometry. The debinding step removes the binder system by thermal or chemical means, leaving a porous yet stable part. The sintering step fuses the metal particles together by heat and pressure, resulting in a fully dense and net-shape part with good mechanical properties and dimensional accuracy.

Compared to conventional powder metallurgy, MIM has several advantages. It allows for the production of complex geometries that are hard or impossible to achieve by other methods. It can also achieve high precision and consistency, with tolerances as low as ±0.1% of the part size. Moreover, it can be cost-effective for small to medium-sized parts, since it eliminates or reduces secondary operations such as machining, welding, or brazing. MIM is also versatile in terms of the materials it can process, including various ferrous and non-ferrous alloys, ceramics, and composites.

Limitations of Traditional MIM

While MIM has been successful in many applications, it still has some limitations, especially for larger and more intricate parts. One of the key limitations is the size and complexity of the mold tool. Since MIM molds are typically made of hardened steel, they can be expensive and time-consuming to fabricate, especially for large parts. Furthermore, the mold design is limited by the gating and flow restrictions, which can cause defects such as voids, sinks, warpage, or flashing, especially for thin-walled or deep-drawn parts.

Another limitation of traditional MIM is the efficiency of the process. The injection molding step requires high pressure and temperature to fill the mold cavity and pack the powder, which can consume a significant amount of energy and time. The debinding step can also be slow and costly, as it must remove the binder system without damaging the porous part. The sintering step can also be challenging, as it must avoid distortion, cracking, or shrinkage while achieving the desired density and microstructure. In addition, the conventional MIM process may not be suitable for some materials that require special handling or properties, such as high-entropy alloys, intermetallics, or amorphous metals.

Advancements in Higher Metal Injection Molding

To address these limitations and enhance the potential of MIM, researchers and industry players have been developing advanced MIM techniques, or Higher Metal Injection Molding (HMIM), that offer higher efficiency, better quality, and broader applicability. HMIM can be seen as an evolution of MIM, with a focus on increasing the mold size, geometrical complexity, material diversity, and process optimization.

One of the key advancements in HMIM is the use of multi-material feedstock. Traditional MIM feedstock consists of a single metal powder and a thermoplastic binder. In contrast, HMIM feedstock can combine two or more metal powders, additives, or reinforcements, to create hybrid composites with tailored properties. For example, HMIM can use metal-ceramic mixtures for wear-resistant or thermal management parts, or metal-metal mixtures for lightweight or high-strength parts. HMIM can also use smart materials such as shape memory alloys, magnetic alloys, or piezoelectric materials for actuation or sensing applications.

Another advancement in HMIM is the use of advanced injection molding methods. Traditional MIM injection molding uses a piston or plunger to push the feedstock into the mold cavity. In contrast, HMIM can use various methods such as screw injection, gas injection, or micro injection, to achieve better filling, packing, and cooling of the part. For example, micro injection can produce micro-sized parts with high aspect ratios and fine features, such as microgears, microactuators, or microfluidics devices. HMIM can also use mold inserts or overmolding to produce hybrid or multifunctional parts with different materials or properties in different regions.

A third advancement in HMIM is the use of advanced debinding and sintering methods. Traditional MIM debinding typically uses thermal or catalytic methods, which can be slow, energy-intensive, and produce harmful byproducts. In contrast, HMIM can use non-thermal or cleaner methods such as solvent or supercritical fluid debinding, to remove the binder system in a faster and safer manner. HMIM can also use advanced sintering methods such as spark plasma sintering, hot isostatic pressing, or laser sintering, to achieve faster, denser, and more controlled consolidation of the part. These methods can also enable the production of new materials or structures that are difficult or impossible to achieve by conventional sintering.


HMIM represents a promising direction for the future of metal injection molding. With its advanced materials, equipment, and processes, HMIM can overcome many of the limitations of traditional MIM, and expand the range of applications and benefits of this proven technology. HMIM can enable the production of larger, more complex, more diverse, and more sustainable parts, that can serve a wide range of industries and domains. Whether you're a user or a provider of HMIM, you'll need to stay up-to-date with the latest developments, trends, and challenges in this field, to stay ahead of the competition and deliver value to your stakeholders.

higher metal injection molding

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Our rapid injection molding Application

Sigma Technik Limited's rapid injection molding service injects molten plastic materials into molds using injection molding machines and molds, and cools and solidifies them over a certain period of time, ultimately forming the required plastic parts. This manufacturing process is usually suitable for producing small and medium-sized plastic parts, which can obtain high-quality and precise parts in a short period of time.

Plastic Injection Molding

Injection molding is a common manufacturing process to produce low volume to large volumes of parts typically made out of plastic. The process involves injecting molten material into a mold and letting it cool to a solid-state.

Liquid Silicone Rubber Molding

Liquid Silicone Rubber is known as LSR, which is a process used to produce parts made from silicone rubber, widely used create products such as medical devices, automotive parts, baby care products, and many others.

2K Injection molding

2K injection molding is a manufacturing process in which two different types of plastic materials are molded together in a single operation to create a single homogeneous component. This process allows for efficient and cost-effective production of high-quality parts that can perform unique functions.

Overmolding and Insert Molding

Overmolding / Insert molding combines two or more materials into a single part, one of the material is usually soft and flexible, or metal. The purpose of overmolding/insert molding is to add functionality, improve grip, provide protection, or enhance aesthetics.

Mission And Vision

Rapid injection molding materials


ABS is a type of plastic with high strength, hardness, and toughness. It has good impact resistance and wear resistance, and is suitable for manufacturing shells, components, and models.


PC is a transparent, high-strength, high-temperature resistant, and excellent electrical insulation material. It is suitable for manufacturing transparent components, electronic components, and automotive components.


PP is a relatively flexible material with excellent corrosion resistance and high temperature resistance. It is suitable for manufacturing containers, pipelines, baby bottles, etc.


PA is a material with high strength, high rigidity, and wear resistance. It is suitable for manufacturing gears, bearings, brackets, etc.


POM is a material with excellent wear resistance, toughness, and rigidity. It is suitable for manufacturing gears, bearings, pulleys, etc.


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Sigma Technik Limited, as a prototype production company and rapid manufacturer focusing on rapid prototyping and low volume production of plastic and metal parts, has advanced manufacturing technology, one-stop service, diversified manufacturing methods, on-demand manufacturing services and efficient manufacturing processes, which can provide customers with high-quality, efficient and customized product manufacturing services and help customers improve product quality and market competitiveness.


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Rapid Injection Molding FAQs

Burrs appear on the surface of the product, which affects its aesthetics and safety. The solution can be to adjust the parameters of the injection molding machine, such as temperature, pressure, speed, etc., or to perform post-processing, such as polishing, sandblasting, etc.

The warping deformation of the product is usually caused by unstable parameters such as temperature and pressure of the injection molding machine, or improper mold design. The solution can be to adjust parameters such as temperature and pressure, or to redesign the mold.

The occurrence of bubbles inside the product may be due to the high temperature of the injection molding machine and the high moisture content of the material. The solution can be to reduce the temperature of the injection molding machine, adjust the water content of the material, increase the pressure of the injection molding machine, etc.

The product size deviation is too large, which may be caused by material thermal expansion, mold deformation and other reasons. The solution can be to adjust parameters and optimize mold design based on material characteristics.